Installation at a glance
If you are new with Palm stuff, consult your Palm User Guide first! Note also the readme files for X-Master and FontHack.
1. Backup your Palm data (Hotsync).
2. Install X-Master and FontHack on your Palm. You should install at least one Alpha Font too.
3. Launch X-Master and activate FontHack by tapping on the checkbox (left side).
4. Choose "Details - Configure". Now you can replace system fonts with the corresponding Alpha Fonts. You can replace them in all and / or single applications as you like. (For HackMaster, TealMaster and EVPlugbase procedure is a little bit different.)
For German users: Eine deutsche Version von X-Master gibt es bei
With AAA FontViewer you can easily preview and delete all fonts. You can also delete fonts with the System Laucher (Menu - Delete).
Do not delete an active font! This will cause a fatal error (but no data loss).
Troubleshooting. Don't panic!
1. Do not replace a System font with a larger or smaller one. (See "Font Specification" below). Font size is defined by its line spacing, not by the character's size! (E.g. "Alpha RX" is 11 pixel high - so it fits to the Standard and Bold font. Note: Most applications expect the Systems font hights. If you replace System fonts with larger or smaller ones, the screen and buttons don't fit anymore. That's a minor problem. But some applications are strict and will crash (e.g. TealDoc).
2. Deselect ALL System Extensions (Hacks) except FontHack. Make a soft reset. If now everything is fine, one of the others is not compatible with FontHack. Find out which one it is. If a newer version is available - try this. Otherwise you must decide, which Hack is more important for you.
3. The micro-fonts "Midget" and "Ants" are the only ones, that do not correspond to System font sizes. Use them carefully! They are made for DOC readers like AportisDoc or QED (page scrolling might be a little bit strange). Some users asked me for such fonts, but they won't work perfectly, until applications detect the real size of a used font. TealDoc can't deal with micro-fonts and will freeze. Note: These micro-fonts are supported by the latest version of AportisDoc (correct scrolling!). AportisDoc also licensed "Alpha Mono Roman".
4. If nothing will help, please contact the authors of X-Master and FontHack. But make a soft reset first - that often cures Hack-confusion!
I'm just the font-designer ...
In worst case, e.g. a reset loop, do not perform a hard reset! Hold down the page-up-button while resetting manually (called "warm reset"). Launch X-Master (or your extension manager) and deactivate FontHack. Now reset the Palm again (normal soft reset). This should fix the problem without data loss. Unfortunately many people do not know this "warm reset" and make a hard reset instead. This is unnecessary in about 90 % of serious Palm confusion.
Font Specification
It is recommended to replace Palm fonts with the corresponding ones! Palm standard size are fonts with Ro / RX / RW / Bk / Nw / NX appendix (roman, roman extra, roman wide, book*, narrow, narrow extra). *Book fonts have wider letters than roman. Palm bold size are fonts with Bd / BX / BN (bold, bold extra, bold narrow) appendix. Palm large size are fonts with Lg / LN (large, large narrow) appendix. Palm large bold size are fonts with LB / LBN (large bold, large bold narrow) appendix. Pay attention with XS-fonts (extra small). Some applications will freeze!
to Alexander Ovcharenko, Sergey Menshikov, Richard M. Hartman, Andreas Linke and to all the users, who helped me with suggestions and bug reports.
The X-files: Required or useful applications
These applications are included within the download of Alpha Fonts. 1. Basic application is X-Master from You may use Tealmaster, EVPlugbase or Hackmaster instead. X-Master and EVPlugbase are freeware. 2. You must install FontHack. It's free. 3. NoLinesHack,, removes the annoying underlines from your Palm. I recommend it. NoLinesHack is a free new successor for ClearHack. 4. AAA Font Viewer allows preview and deleting of all fonts (except system fonts) on the Palm. Highly recommended and free.
© 2000/2001 for Alpha Font Collection: Rainer Zenz. If you want to substitute one of these fonts to shareware or commercial software, please contact me. For freeware it's free, of course. If you want to publish it - do it! Do not remove any file from the Alpha Fonts folder. Have a look at PalmGear for the latest version.
July, 19, 2001
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